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DNA Active

DNA Active is the ultimate tool for anyone looking to improve their overall wellness or optimize their athletic potential. It provides a wealth of information about your body's genetic makeup and allows us to develop a workout and nutrition plan that is tailored to your unique goals. The test assesses all of the following aspects of your health, plus more. 




Power and Endurance Potential

Peak Training Time

Say goodbye to years of exhaustive trial and error and say hello to a smarter, more efficient workout plan. DNA Active will quickly discern which types of workouts your body will benefit from the most.

Prevent wasting your time and effort on suboptimal workouts. Discover your body's natural rhythm and identify what time of the day your workouts will provide you with maximal physical gains. 


Injury and Cramping Suseptibility

Don't let cramping or injuries get in the way of your fitness goals. Gain a deeper understanding of your body's limits and prevent injuries before they occur. 


Recovery Speed

Train smarter, not harder. Let us help you optimize your training frequency to prevent overtraining from limiting your progress, while still pushing yourself to your limits. 



Pressure Response

Diet and Exercise Balance

Take your mental game to the next level and achieve your goals with confidence by gaining a more comprehensive understanding of how your body responds to stress.

Take control of your wellness journey by finding out whether your body responds better to diet or exercise. Experience the power of precision medicine today!


Caffeine Metabolism


Macronutrient Metabolism

Learn how your body processes caffeine to ensure it isn't working against you. Get ready to optimize your energy levels, productivity, and overall health. 

Don't let traditional diets dictate your nutrition. Discover how your body digests macronutrients such as proteins, carbohydrates, and fats to unveil your personalized recipe for success. 

What to Expect

After an initial lab fee of $250, you will be provided with a DNA testing kit. The kit contains detailed instructions on how to collect a few drops of blood for testing. You will be responsible for collecting the sample and getting the kit back to us. Once received, our lab will analyze your sample and deliver your results to us within 4-6 weeks. You will then have a 30 minute session with an certified DNAnalysis provider who will convey the meaning of your results and help you develop a personalized training strategy and nutrition plan. An additional $250 fee will be collected at this appointment, for a total cost of $500. Invest in your health today and unlock a lifetime of wellness.

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